Monday, February 10, 2014

Design Wall-Monday February 10, 2014

I finished the string blocks I needed to get done and in the mail.

On Saturday I was going through bags of stuff that had been sitting and waiting to be put away. Yes, quilty things.  Earlier I had found a packet of 2 1/2 inch strips I had bought at one time. Then I found this pattern in one of the bags. Decided I needed a no brainer but something fun to work on.  
one block
All 35 blocks. Still need to sew the background sashing between the blocks
The pattern is Off Track
This is not the final lay out but wanted to get them up on the wall.


  1. That is a great looking quilt! I love the colors!

  2. I love string blocks! Isn't it great when you find the perfect items! This is a fun quilt. I'll fave to get that pattern. I have strips. :)

  3. Beautiful colors, love the aqua and purple together.

  4. Very pretty. Nice Pattern. Happy Design Wall Monday ... :) Pat

  5. Great quilt. I made one long ago for a special dance friend of my daughters. It was very well received.

  6. Love your off track blocks! Great colours!


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