Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 7-Kitchen remodel-Friday

A little more flooring was finished today.  Pretty much all the Travertine is laid now. So Monday they can grout the rest of it. Then he will also finish up a few small spots, the Butler's Pantry back splash, laundry room back splash at the sink.  Not sure with all that is he will get the small entry way at our front porch done.  He did pull up the brick before he left today. Still looking at having the electricians, maybe the plumbers back mid to late next week.
Entry from the garage

Laundry Room

Front Entry

We went to BMC Millworks Showroom this afternoon and ordered our hardware for the cabinets. True to form we had decided what we wanted as far as knobs and handles. Then looked at some cabinets on line and decided we wanted handles for the kitchen cabinet doors and not the knobs. Guess it was a good thing I had misplaced the salesman's card so we couldn't order right away!! Sometimes things work out for the better!

I will finish off with a picture from yesterday of one of the adult llano bald eagles.

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