Monday, February 3, 2014

Design Wall-Monday February 3, 2014

I joined a string block swap on another group (quilted with Love).  Need to get cracking on those if I'm going to get them sent in on time! Since some mindless sewing was more to my liking today, I dug out the muslin squares I had cut previously. That is what I am working on right now.
Some ready to be trimmed

These are trimmed
I finished this one this past week-this is Folklore using Acacia
by Tula Pink

The girls usually are upstairs with me when I sew. Tilly stays by the door or on the landing
close to the steps.  Tiki gets under the bed, out of the way, but leaves her hind end sticking out
so I know she is there. This is her spot!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the simplicity of the folklore quilt! I am going to be making 3 quilts that I want the fabric to be the starring role, so I have been eyeing this one. I love that racoon print too!


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