Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kitchen Remodel- week 8, Tuesday

The tile people were back today shortly after 8.  They did the front entry and also cleaned and sealed the travertine and most of the back splash.  Some of the grout wasn't dry enough yet from yesterday so they didn't finish sealing everything.  They also will be back to grout the front entry way.  The weather was not good for doing that today and probably not tomorrow either. We have a shot of getting some much needed rain. Not enough, but every little bit we get helps!
Front entry

I think tomorrow the plumbers will be installing the faucets etc. Not sure
when the electricians will be here. Waiting for confirmation as to when they will be here
working.  Also have people tomorrow afternoon to take the exact measurements for the window treatments.
Busy, busy, busy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. When you get done I am moving in! So well thought out and the colors are working so well. Nice!


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