Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kitchen Remodel-Week 8-Thursday

Today was a very busy day.  The electricians were here at 8 this morning to get to work!  They were here until almost 4 this afternoon. Will be back in the morning to finish up!  All the can lights in the ceiling are done, the LED under cabinet lights are installed, outlets on the walls are finished and the light in the half bath is up. Oh yes, the new light/fan in the family room. It was a busy day for them.

Galen and Greg think it's a good idea for some one else
to install the under cabinet lights.

No way my back would handle that position for too long!!!!!

the under cabinet lights really show off the back splash!

The microwave is installed!

The tile guy was also back today and finished up the front entry way.

It was also the day the tree trimmers were here to thin out the Live Oaks and get the branches off the roof!
Why we no longer trim our own trees!

Our Gopher Cactus is blooming. It's a little different from our other

Tomorrow Friday is another busy day. The electricians will be back, the 
appliances delivered and installed.  Looks like vacation will son be over!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kitchen Remodel-Week 8-Wednesday

Today was plumbing day!  We now have faucets at the sinks and the gas line is ready for the cook top to be installed on Friday.
laundry room

Kitchen sink

Tomorrow the electricians will be here installing  the under cabinet LED light strips, the light in the 1/2 bath, the can lights and a new ceiling light/fan in the family room and what ever else needs to be done. (outlets, light switches)
Will be a busy morning as the tree trimmers will also be here thinning out our live oaks. They are too big for us to do it anymore!

Friday is appliance delivery day!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kitchen Remodel- week 8, Tuesday

The tile people were back today shortly after 8.  They did the front entry and also cleaned and sealed the travertine and most of the back splash.  Some of the grout wasn't dry enough yet from yesterday so they didn't finish sealing everything.  They also will be back to grout the front entry way.  The weather was not good for doing that today and probably not tomorrow either. We have a shot of getting some much needed rain. Not enough, but every little bit we get helps!
Front entry

I think tomorrow the plumbers will be installing the faucets etc. Not sure
when the electricians will be here. Waiting for confirmation as to when they will be here
working.  Also have people tomorrow afternoon to take the exact measurements for the window treatments.
Busy, busy, busy!!!!

Kitchen Remodel-Week 8-Monday

I didn't write this last evening-some how time got away from me!  Happens frequently!!!! The tile guys were here most of the day.  Worked on the front entry and finished up the inside-floors and back splash.  Need to seal the floors yet and lay the tile outside entry. As it is misting or a light drizzle, not sure what will happen today.  Am hoping they will be back to do the last step on the floors.  That needs to be done before we continue. Anyway a few pictures from yesterday.
Butlers Pantry

closer look at the back splash

Laundry room

Finishing strip in place

The lay out pattern for the travertine-4 different sized pieces

Monday, February 24, 2014

Design Wall Monday-February 24, 2014

Not much was done along the lines of sewing. Did get 4 more string blocks made the other day, so now my 2 blocks have some company!

I finally finished sewing the binding on another string quilt.

I think we are on the final 2 weeks of the kitchen remodel. Flooring should be finished up today.
Then it's the sealing process for the floors and back splash. Electricians, plumbers, painters back to touch up,
appliances installed. We are getting close to being done!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 7-Kitchen remodel-Friday

A little more flooring was finished today.  Pretty much all the Travertine is laid now. So Monday they can grout the rest of it. Then he will also finish up a few small spots, the Butler's Pantry back splash, laundry room back splash at the sink.  Not sure with all that is he will get the small entry way at our front porch done.  He did pull up the brick before he left today. Still looking at having the electricians, maybe the plumbers back mid to late next week.
Entry from the garage

Laundry Room

Front Entry

We went to BMC Millworks Showroom this afternoon and ordered our hardware for the cabinets. True to form we had decided what we wanted as far as knobs and handles. Then looked at some cabinets on line and decided we wanted handles for the kitchen cabinet doors and not the knobs. Guess it was a good thing I had misplaced the salesman's card so we couldn't order right away!! Sometimes things work out for the better!

I will finish off with a picture from yesterday of one of the adult llano bald eagles.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 7- Kitchen Remodel-Thursday

We took a break today and the five of us (Galen, Dad, Tilly, Tiki and myself) went to see the Llano Eagles.  Unfortunately the chick was happy to stay in the nest and not try out it's wings.  But the one adult stayed perched on the branch close by ever vigilant. The last time we were there a hawk was bound and determined he was have an eagle chick for lunch. A good five minute chase followed. One adult  eagle chased the other adult never left the nest.

We then had a relaxing late lunch at River City Grill at Marble Falls. Beautiful day so we had lunch on the porch overlooking the river. I do love their grilled steak salad. And brought half of it home!

When we got back to the house we found the tile that had been laid yesterday had been grouted. He had run out of tile yesterday. So he grouted what he had laid today while waiting for the rest to arrive.

Also put most of the back splash in place in the Butlers Pantry. The plain is up but we have added a little "bling".  You can see one piece has been added and where it is cut out on the rest-that is where the 3x3 pieces will be placed.
While we are looking at things, I noticed there seem to be more shelves etc than had been stacked up before. Got the camera and looked-yep! More than on Friday!

 While we were standing in the new kitchen I took a few other pictures from the very back of the kitchen. I hope that somewhere I have pictures that I can scan or download from the same general area.

                                                          Will see what tomorrow brings!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 7- Wednesday

Today was the day of the kitchen floor.  A lot of it is down in the kitchen and in the butlers pantry.

Here they cut a few inches off the wood floor to even it out. 

He will be back once again in the morning.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 7- Tuesday

Today started out with the crew here to do the back splash and prepare the floor for tomorrow when they lay the flooring.  Got  preview of our they will lay it.  We are having Philadelphia Brushed straight cut Versailles Travertine  put on the floor. An idea of the lay out.
The back splash in the kitchen is 
Philadelphia 2 x 4 splitface

Yesterday we picked up the plumbing fixtures we had ordered-faucets etc.
Also picked up the lighting fixtures we ordered. LED strip lights for under the cabinets and a new hanging
light with fan for the family room and the light for the half bath. All boxed up so I haven't seen them yet!

Today we went to look at hardware for the cabinets.  Way too many choices. We went to BMC Millworks West in Austin.  Think we have decided but haven't ordered them yet. Want to talk to Greg one more time about quantity and then we will order.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Design Wall-Monday February 17, 2014

The only blocks on my wall are 2 very lonely string blocks! they are there reminding me to make more.
I finished Off Track on Saturday.  Nice to have that finished.  It was fun to make ad I imagine there will be more made using that pattern with an assortment of left over 2.5 inch wide strips!

No more sewing today-  later than usual in posting.  Had to have a friend hold the top for me for a picture. Got home and we then took off to pick up plumbing order and then the lighting order for the kitchen.  Cross two more things to do off the list!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Stash Report- week 7, 2014

Managed a little sewing in between everything else this past week. Painters here earlier in the week and then on Friday things started coming together in the kitchen! If you want to check out the progress I'll add the link at the bottom.

We decided to go out for our Valentine dinner a day early. Went to the Oasis on Lake Travis.
We are sitting on the upper deck. The lake is about 40% full-what
you see are the Sometimes Islands which are becoming permanent ones.
Yes, we are still in a major drought.

But now to the really important stuff!
Finished the Off Track flimsy yesterday so I can claim it!

Used this week:    4 yard
 Used to date:      19.25
Added this week:        0
Added to date:       8.5
Net:                        10.75

The Kitchen!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 6-Friday-Valentine's Day and Tilly's 7TH Birthday

We had a lot going on today. The painter arrived shortly after 8 this morning to do some touch up so he would be out of the way for when the granite arrived.

 The granite arrived about 9:30.

A 5 x 7.5 foot slab weighs about 1300 lbs. 7 guys (one you can't see). They decided the best way to get it in the house was through the french doors off the kitchen,
Getting it positioned on the island

Galen, Greg (contractor) and our neighbors Colleen and Chris
Next came the solid black granite counter tops. This is the
long piece where they need to cut for the stove top insert

Doing just that! Someone is cutting and someone has a vacuum
This is the granite top for the 1/2 bath.

Decided to go with a white vessel sink

Counter tops are in!

Tilly had to check things out.  They have access now, the plastic is off the doorways

I finally get a sink in my laundry room! And lots of cabinets!

The Butler's Pantry
The same granite as on the big island. Tiki is checking things out!

Another view of the island

The black granite tops

All the drawers and a few doors and panels waiting to find their place!

Next week on Tuesday they start with the back splash, floor and the small 
porch at our front entry way!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...