Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stash report-week 16, 2013

Nothing to report this week- no sewing.  Instead I have been sorting through things, unearthing projects, long lost rulers etc!  We need to move-that was when I would go through, keep, pass on, toss whatever!!!  But there is no move in the plans and after 14 years in one home it is time to do some much needed cleaning!  As I have been going through bags tossed aside I am finding strip club goodies from my LQS (the Samuri Quilt was one) so while none of them were started they are going on an amended UFO list!  I have 3 of them all cut and kitted and will pull more out as I progress through the pile.  They are well aged now and need to be made.

Probably won't get much sewing done this week either, but since the guys will be leaving on the 30th for a week....look out!

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