Monday, April 29, 2013

Design Wall April 29, 2013

I really have not been sewing much the past few weeks.  Spending more time organizing and reorganizing.  Had a root canal this week on Thursday and then Friday sinus drainage got the best of me.  Wasn't until this evening (Sunday) I felt like making friends with my machine.  I didn't want to tackle anything that took a lot of thinking so I started one of the strip club quilts from my LQS.  Had everything cut so it was a matter of sewing. It is my LQS version of Waste Not using 2 1/2 " strips. This is just laid out for now and not all pressed, squared or sewn together.  I need to get more of the smaller (4 corner blocks) made then I can start laying out in a scrappy arrangement.  The blocks are 14" so it will go fast. Since I will be on my own this week I hope to get lots accomplished! Had to take the pictures with my smart phone.  This operator isn't smart enough to find the spare battery and charger for her camera!

I mentioned in my stash report that I did make a bag this past week.  It does fold up into the pocket although I seldom have them folded!
 what are others showing this week

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