Thursday, April 18, 2013

Good news Thursday

Good news-it is raining, not a lot but we will take what we can get.  The rain will help to bring down the Oak pollen at least for a day or two!  That will help my sinus headaches.  The week is about over and that is good as it didn't start out very well.  Both "girls" are now on meds trying to bring their liver enzyme counts down.  Tilly's were coming down but then Tiki's were going up.  We lost a friend from our Taiwan days.  And I guess I asked the wrong  question of a friend.  I was always taught it was good to ask if I wasn't sure about something, but I guess that only applies to some people. That was all before Tuesday, the last half of the week is better.  So now I will just enjoy the rain and flowers and look forward to tomorrow!

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