Monday, April 1, 2013

Design Wall-April 1, 2013

What happened to the first 3 months of 2013? They sure dissappeared in a hurry!  My wall has the first 7 steps of Road to  Round Rock!  I was actually able to play catch up this past  Friday and Saturday.

I am a little further south and east of Judy so the bluebonnets and poppies plus other wildflowers are in full bloom. For those who are still having cold weather.  This is at a home a few miles from us.  Every year the area outside his fence to the curb is full of flowers.  Would love to see the yard inside the fence!  The bluebonnets aren't as full this year but still pretty to look at against the red poppies!
We went out for dinner on Easter Sunday-The Stage Coach Inn in Salado, TX.  Lots of history. Stage Coach Inn; Salado is one of those fun towns to browse, lots of fun shops, places to eat, a good quilt store
My husband of 42 years, Galen, Me, and my Dad who will be 96 in October. 

what are others working on?


  1. I'm envious of your flowers. We still have snow on the ground, lol.

  2. Your Rocky Road is great. Congratulations on keeping up!

  3. What a precious photo with family and those wildflowers are so pretty. Here in central Texas near Mexia, we have weeds....LOL. There are some wildflowers in bloom but that cold front the other week stunted some of them.

  4. Lovely photos. The flowers are super... I wish I liked to garden, but I don't. I like to pick the flowers others grow! Nice work on the Road quilt.

  5. I LOVE the colors you are using in your quilt! It is still cold and dreary here so your photo of the flowers really cheered me.


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