Monday, April 8, 2013

Design Wall - April 8, 2013

I have been working on my Road to Home (Round Rock).  Since I was caught up with it, I dug into the swap block basket and pulled out a bag with these.  There were 50- 6.5 inch blocks so I am doing a 7 x 7 using 49 of them.  The blocks are together, will get the rows sewn, borders on and will then be able to cross another one off the list. A really good feeling!!!!
                                          Road to Round Rock
                                  a little better picture of the reddish orange
old swap-kids prints bordered on 2 sides
what is everyone else working on this week?


  1. I love the road to Round Rock! Beautiful palette.

  2. R2RR is pretty -- but what intrigues me is the kid-print. I'm always interested in new ways to make I Spy quilts, and you've just provided one.

  3. I agree with Nann. That's a great idea for setting I Spy squares.

  4. Love the colors in your Round Rock quilt. That shade of green reminds me of a fabric in one of my grandma's quilts from the 30's.

  5. Beautiful colors in your Road to Round Rock, it's looking gorgeous!


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