Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stash report-week 15, 2013

I did manage to do a little sewing this week and have something to report.  Dug out the UFO of I spy type blocks, finished the top, backing pieced, binding cut, it's at the quilters.

Used this Week:              5.5 yards
Used to date:                     71.58   yards
Added this Week:                         yards
Added Year to Date:        15.775    yards
Net used year to Date:      55.805

It's progress!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

The blue bonnets were a little later this year, but there are some really pretty fields.  This one just behind a shopping center in Round Rock so we were able to get  a few pictures of our girls in the flowers!  Can't break with tradition-have them starting when Tilly (black standard) was 10 weeks old! and for the last 6 years.


  1. Your girls look so happy in the field of blue bonnets. Can't break that tradition. Sounds like you found time in your sewing room...YIPPEE! Sandi

  2. Great numbers! Keep up the good work.

  3. Love the blue bonnets - I miss seeing them. Sounds like you had a good week of sewing too!


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