Monday, April 15, 2013

Parade of the UFO'S

These are some that I have started and they have become UFO's.  I have started getting smarter in my old age however and now have the pattern/magazine with the blocks in their own little container.  I will dig the containers out and add the info later.

1-Pick Up Sticks

2-center for pumpkin squares table topper

3-Bali Rays-original pattern from HoneyBee Quilt Store, Austin, TX
I got several of my on-line friends working on this one.  One is finished hers, the other almost and mine got put away for awhile!  It was dubbed Bali Rash as they were itching to work on it. The bali ray is from 2012, I know the others are several years older.
4-Pick a Pinwheel
I know I have more done on this. but it got put aside-will have to hunt for the rest of the blocks that are finished!

5- Easter Table Runner.  This was going to be a gift for friends when we stayed at their home right before Easter.  Got it made in time but in one of those duh moments-forgot it needed to be quilted! 5 years later it still needs to be quilted!
6-Forgot about this one-started this in the 90's traveling back and forth to our home in Taiwan. Great project for 26 hour flights including layovers!
7-50 of these using Asian fabrics-internet swap

8-String blocks-From an interent swap

9-I think there are 48 in the bag-internet swap-Halloween

10-Crumb blocks from scraps
11-Christmas bricks
12-My birthday blocks from another on line group

these are but a few as there are a lot of other swap blocks that need to be listed-that will have to be another post
UFO Parade at Pathcworktimes

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