Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My list for May 2013

Like a lot of us, April came and dissappeared way to soon for me to complete or even keep up with the list for April. Some of it, April in Texas is a great time to be out working in the yard, enjoying the Texas wildflowers and the generally decent temperatures before the hot ones arrive! It's also the time for oak pollen and this year that did a number on me! Love our oaks, but everything turns yellow from the pollens.
I also decided that it was time to get a handle on the sewing area (basically the upstairs!) Had really let it get out of hand since we haven't had any real company for the past few years.  Need to find the bedrooms!  Hence the push for cleaning out, organizing and reorganizing.  Certainly more here than I will or can use in several lifetimes and I know a few groups who can benefit. That has been the major emphasis in April and is carrying over to May.  At 60+ I don't work as fast as I did at a younger age, the back gives out.  So it's taking longer.  Enough excuses!
I made the 5 AM run to the airport this morning, dropped off my Dad and hubby and I have a week to myself.  Here's hoping I can accomplish at least part of what I want to get done while they are away!

May 2013

finish reorganizing sewing area

(at least so I can find things!)

Finish Road to Round Rock Top

Hopefully start City Streets

quilt4military mystery

Waste Not Top

work on another UFO
Bind Samuri Squares quilt
Bind UFO finish from April

April 2013

Keep up with Road to RR-almost finished

quilt 4military mystery - pulled fabrics

city streets

A UFO - done except for binding

what do others hope to accomplish this month


  1. Good luck getting a lot done while you have the house to yourself. Wish that would happen in my house. I'd love a week's vacation by staying home by myself and doing whatever strikes my fancy.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful stitching week ahead! Good luck!


  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...