Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Texas Travels-Day 2 (Monday afternoon)

We arrived at the North End of Padre Island early afternoon on the 15th. Checked into our motel and then headed for the National Seashore.  The south end of the barrier island where we normally stay is very heavily built up for the first 10 miles then the park starts. You can drive on the beach for part of it if so inclined or that adventuresome but for most of the way to where we are now, the north end it is off limits. If you clicked on the link above you can see the  Kemp Ridley Turtles nest along the beach. Would be fun to be here when volunteers move the eggs to a safe place and then see them hatch and  scamper back to the gulf. The north end is very different. More tidal pools and flats on the land side as opposed to a big bay further south. Now for some pictures
White Pelican

Ruddy Turnstone

A little of the shore line

No cars!!!!!

Love this picture of the Willet

Yellow Rump Warbler

Long billed Curlew

Day 3 Tuesday coming soon!


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