Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Texas Travels - Day 4,Wednesday

We didn't get a very early start this morning. Tiki didn't seem to be feeling well so we stayed in the room for a while longer. We drove back across the causeway today and went to Hans Suter Refuge. It's across from Texas A&M Corpus Christi. The girls and I hung out in the area not far from the car for most of the time. We did take a quick walk down the boardwalk to the viewing stand for a few minutes. When we got back to the car the girls and I watched an Eastern Phoebe catch bugs for lunch.

Mexican Oleander

Boardwalk going to the water

 Northern Shovelers


Eastern Phoebe
Now on to Galen's pictures with the long lens!
Northern Shoveler

Snowy Egret

Tricolored Heron

We leave here tomorrow. Not sure if we will make any stops on the way home.

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