Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Texas Travels- Day 3 part 2!

Should I say that Galen takes a lot of pictures. I think 79 for the day. Not all keepers of course. Thank heavens for digital cameras!!!! After lunch at Subway we headed to Mustang Island. It is between Corpus Christi and Port Aransas Mustang island history  and  Mustang Island State Park. The next link is for Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. I think we are saving it for another trip, but I could be wrong!!!!!   if you are interested in Whooping Cranes

On to more pictures!
Fish Pass on Mustang Island 

Long billed Curlew

Prescribed burn area

Why we have off road vehicles. this picture does not do the "road" justice!

More prescribed burn

Crested Caracara

American Kestral

Crested Caracara-first year juvenile



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