Monday, February 8, 2016

Design Wall Monday-February 8th, 2016

First off let me say Happy Chinese New Year. We have entered the year of the Monkey. My husband and I are officially declaring this the beginning of 2016. We think it's about time for good things to start happening. After losing my Dad the middle of December to Galen losing his last remaining brother 6 weeks later and losing 4 friends in between we are ready for a new start! I am even putting yesterday events behind me and moving on-it is a New Year!

My Trifecta flimsy that I showed last week is at the quilters . I could not get Charmed Star top done in time so will send that to her later this week. This a picture of my Charmed Star. Still need to add one more border. Relearned yesterday a valuable lesson-do not cut when upset.
This is the pattern-A great way to use some of those charm packs!

                            Now back to Judy at Patchworktimes


  1. Dianna, I just woke up from 2 days of sleep, I was dreaming at being at Port A, when the phone woke me, and the only email I open and read is yours just now. I envy you are going to the coast. I love that pattern and collect charm packs. Where can I get the pattern. You did a really great job on it. Hope it gave you some pleasure. Galen will have to wear a mask and take a shower as soon as he gets done mowing. It's taken my DH 3 years to finally listen, as being sick is our alternative. It about kills me.

  2. Dianna, I just woke up from 2 days of sleep, I was dreaming at being at Port A, when the phone woke me, and the only email I open and read is yours just now. I envy you are going to the coast. I love that pattern and collect charm packs. Where can I get the pattern. You did a really great job on it. Hope it gave you some pleasure. Galen will have to wear a mask and take a shower as soon as he gets done mowing. It's taken my DH 3 years to finally listen, as being sick is our alternative. It about kills me.


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