Monday, February 1, 2016

Design Wall Monday-February 1, 2016

It was another rough week for the Stewart family but I did manage to get some sewing done, early in the week and then today. Had an early morning to trip to the airport so Galen could fly to PA for a few days. After a long nap once I got home I finished the Tri Fecta block of the month from last year. Played with the lay out for a while and after showing it to some others I went with it.
 It's not the greatest picture since I had to pin it on the design wall-my quilt holder is in PA! And the corner of a table is in the picture, but there is a picture! It is 8 rows of 9 blocks each. One UFO out of the way until it is back from the quilter and I need to sew on the binding!

Waiting for Galen to call this evening and before calling it a night I made the February block for another group I am in.

                     This is the second block for Rural Routes

                                        The first 2 blocks
Feels good to be back sewing again. The house is calling too-have been neglecting it a little too long.

Back to Patchworktimes!

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