Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Texas Travels

We started our vacation on the 13th and went to South Padre island for 2 weeks. However, the room was not what was guaranteed so we stayed for 2 days and left Monday for North Padre at Corpus Christi.
Sunday morning Galen walked over to the SPI birding center with camera in hand. Came back said he got quite a few good pictures. Saw a Momma and baby alligator and of course a lot of birds. After lunch we drove towards the bridge and he stopped to take a few more pictures. Came back to the car very disgusted. The sim card was not in the camera. So all the pictures he took that morning he never got! Felt bad for him. Fortunately our cameras take the same card and I had a brand new one in mine. We stopped one more place on the way back to the motel, too late to go over to Laguna Atacosta. He walked the boardwalk there and the girls and I sat in a nice shaded spot watching birds, butterflies and people.
Of course the girls always draw attention and Tilly had many birthday wishes from people.
                                                               Black Skimmers
                                                     Royal Terns
                                                       Roseate Spoonbill
                                                    Black Neck Stilt
White Morph Red Egret with Black Neck Stilt

He got a few good pictures and fortunately I took along my Dad's camera so we can both take some pictures. He takes birds, butterflies etc. I prefer scenery!

We did the tourist thing and took this picture on our way out Monday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you made lemonade out of your lemons! Glad you were able to get away for a while.


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