Monday, February 22, 2016

Design Wall Monday-February 22, 2016

Nothing is on the wall now, but I did finish the Charmed Star flimsy. It will go to the quilters today, tomorrow at the latest.

Don't know if I mentioned we were taking off for a 2 week vacation on 2/13. We did go but did not stay at South Padre the whole time. It is disappointing when promised one type of room for those 2 weeks and getting something entirely different. Somehow the view of the back of the big beach bar, parking lot and dumpsters does not equate to a full ocean view. And that is the room we were promised and have always had. But no matter, we stayed there a few days and then headed north to North Padre Island at Corpus Christi and explored that area for a few days. Galen did get some great bird pictures and I did a lot of chauffeuring him from place to place. Easier that way and I don't mind driving.
This was a great catch for Galen-it is a White Morph Red Egret along with the black necked stilts.
Taken at South Padre Island Convention Center

Since we were not supposed to have any really cold nights while away I did not bring in my Christmas Cactus plants. Wrong move-this is what they looked like in November.

This is what they look like now, except for the hanging one the squirrels could not get too!

The squirrels ate well with out the girls to chase them!
Speaking of which this is Tilly after several good chases today
I think she was tired!

I will leave you with 2 sunset pictures from South Padre.These were taken on taken Valentine's Day

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