Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kitchen Update-March 9, 2014-Part 3

By no means will this be the final resting place for the majority of the "stuff"! But I
 am trying to get as much unpacked as possible before recycle day on Tuesday. the counters are a little cluttered at this point and there are things going in the upper cabinets that will eventually go in the pull out drawers in the lower cabinets.  So I am unpacking and Galen is helping to put things away 

Yes, more dishes.  And I know these will be recognized by some of you! Several of us came back from Taiwan with the same set.  And being a set of Chinese dishes we of course all bought the all the different pieces that made up the set.  I have service for 12 but bought extra plates and some of the other dishes we would be using everyday. After all, would take a trip back to Taiwan to replace a broken plate! On the other hand I do know at least 3 other friends who have the same dishes!

Not quite as much paper as our packers used when we moved back to the states. Some day I will show some of those pictures!

A little idea of the layout of the sink side of the island. 
A double sink, then the dishwasher.  A pull out then for garbage-in front, recycle behind. Then a set of small drawers. On the side of the island facing the family room are 3 large cabinets with shelving where I can store things that aren't used as much.  Big serving platters, the god china etc. Once we get this all figured out, it will be great.

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