Monday, March 3, 2014

Design Wall Monday-March 3, 2014

I finished another 16 string blocks this past week.

Today I went to my LQS and picked out the fabric for this Top of the Month. Came home
and got to use the new granite island as my cutting table!  Good reason to keep it uncluttered! Besides I love looking at it!
And then spent some time sewing!
The pattern this time around is Arctic Flame by Villa Rosa
All I got done today. We picked up Dad and went out for my Birthday Dinner.Not a very pleasant evening to be going for dinner-the temperatures dropped quickly from 60's to 40's to 30's and freezing and raining by the time we left for dinner. Thought we were living back up north again!No colder there! I think every one every where is getting tired of this winter!

More week in the kitchen this week-just about finished! Cleaning crew in tomorrow to get rid of the dust, wipe down the cabinets.  Not sure when they will be back to finish the cabinets off  but sometime this week! I am loving it!

1 comment:

  1. I love string piecing! Your bright yellow on the chevron is a wonderful background!


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