Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stash Report-Week 11, 2014

The kitchen took all my time this week. Once again my numbers haven't changed ! Maybe there is hope for some different numbers in the next report! 
My time has been taken up with not only getting the kitchen back in order but also cleaning the rest of the downstairs where we lived for 2.5 months.  Getting rid of the fine dust and rearranging.  Not being done just right tho as we will be having the living  and dining rooms painted early April. We have some high ceilings in the entry way so we will not be tackling that job either! But I can get it to looking halfway decent again!
I have a new mantra for this week  I will SEW!

Used:   0
Used to date: 20
Added: 0
Added to date: 12
Net: 8

Back to Patchworktimes!


  1. Congrats on having your kitchen finished. It looks gorgeous.

  2. Thanks! It was worth the hassle! When I find a good picture of before I will post it! This really did open up the room.


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