Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kitchen Update-Week 9-Tuesday

On the final few days of the remodel.  Yesterday the AC people were here to finish the vent work for the kitchen fan/vent over the cook top.  The sheet rock people were also here to do some patching.  Today the sheet rock people were back doing the texture touch up on the walls. And the cabinet guy was here from about 9 to 4:30 installing shelving, aligning the cabinet doors. He will be back in a few days to finish. He wasn't happy with two of the doors and another gave him some problems.  But I can start getting an idea as to what I have for shelves and where the pull out drawers will also be placed.
But first this is how we started the day.
30 degrees and rain makes some pretty shrubbery coated in ice!

Now on to the kitchen!
Texturing a seam in the ceiling.

Danny working his way around the kitchen.

The vent pipes are now covered!

Cabinet about the refrigerator needs doors redone. The other
opening is where the lazy susan will be.

Painter will be here in the morning.

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