Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kitchen update-March 8, 2014- part 2

We had plans to get much more done Friday evening.  That was the plan anyway.  Our neighbors stopped in to see the new kitchen as they were heading out of town for Spring break this week.  After they left we went to a little Italian Restaurant for a leisurely dinner and a bottle of wine. Then we went to the Container store to look at a few things.  Came home and both collapsed in the recliner and that was it for the night!
Saturday morning I put a few things away before people got here to do a little more finishing work.  The painter was going to spray the drawers with a coat of lacquer however it was rainy and he didn't want to do it in the house. So he took the 8 drawers with him to do them at home.He will bring them back on Tuesday, touch up a few other places then as well. Greg also has the plumbers back that day as he isn't happy with the plumbing job under the laundry room sink. And we are still waiting for the building inspector. He should be here Monday or Tuesday to sign off on the job. I did get started on unpacking boxes of dishes.
Just a few of them

Since they had been packed away for a few months they needed to be at least rinsed off!

Yes, the boxes were pretty well marked.

Getting some of the furniture arranged

And the girls are happy to be back in the family room!

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