Monday, March 24, 2014

Design Wall Monday-March 24, 2014

It is really good to be sewing again!  I did finish the Top of the Month that was due this past Thursday. It was Arctic Flame and you got to see the flame part for a few weeks.  Now the finished quilt.  The yellow is a little bright and the blue dots do not show up in the picture.  That yellow is also in the theme fabric but is very muted.
I  finished cutting the pieces for this next Top of the Month.  It is "Wistful" by Villa Rosa. It uses a jelly roll and 1.5 yards of background fabric.The jelly roll I am using is called Chance of Flowers by Moda. Maybe next Monday some of it will be on the wall!
Hard to get a picture without the can lights showing up on the granite.!  I do so love the granite island-wonderful for cutting!!!!!

As for the kitchen, still waiting for the hardware to be put on the cabinets. The trim guy has really been busy. Am hoping this week. Yes, I am still putting some things away and then moving them again to a new location! But it is all getting better and we are loving it. Now on to getting more of the downstairs painted! Then we are finished for a little while. The yard is needing some much needed work. Think we may have lost some plants this past winter.
Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing your quilt top. That is an interesting design. It almost looks "modern". Good job!


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