Saturday, March 1, 2014

Kitchen Remodel-Week 8-Friday

Friday was a busy day. Home Depot had called Thursday evening and said the delivery window would be between 8 and 12.  At 6:55 the phone rang (yes we were up having coffee) first delivery had been cancelled -OK if we are there in about 30 minutes! They arrived at 7:30.  First in and hooked up - the washer and dryer.
Next came the new refrigerator
Easiest to bring that is around the back and through the French Doors 

Tight fit on the other side of the island. LG recommends not taking their handles off.
The Home Depot guys were just about finished when the electricians arrived at 8.
I needed to do a little shopping so went to the store and came home to this.
The people from Factory Builders were here installing the vent, the
oven and the gas cook top. Galen s watching the work going on.
Electrician working on the electric for the wall oven, our contractor Greg is cutting the
hole for the vent pipe. The other two are getting the cook top ready to drop into place.
The dishwasher will be coming in about 10 days.

Our girls on the outside looking in!
They are as ready for thing to get back to normal as we are!
We did actually stand at the island and have a late lunch after everyone left.

As much as I would love to start putting things back in the cabinets that won't be until sometime late next week. The cleaning crew will be in on Monday. And the rest of the cabinets doors should go on, drawers put in place, shelving installed and hardware also put on. I think that also happens on Monday. The painter will also be back next week. But we can at least move things from the refrigerator on the porch to the one in the kitchen. No more late night or early morning excursions to the porch to get something from the fridge!!!

I promised a better picture of the front entry way now that it has been done. Looks much better than the brick facing.


  1. I am coming to your house for a long vacation. lol Just kidding. It looks wonderful.

  2. When I get back to Round Rock in March .... sometime .... I want to comeover and take a look-see! Looking marvelous!


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