Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What's Cooking-African Peanut Butter Stew

A while back I picked up a new cook book at the grocery store-Glorious One Pot Meals.(Dutch Oven Cooking) Right after I saw Judy's peanut butter challenge I picked up the book and this is where it opened up!   
 1/2 medium onion, diced;
3/4 white rice;
 3/4 cup  broth (chicken, vegetable) or water;
1/2 - 3/4 lb. chicken breasts or thighs;
1/2 red bell pepper, cored, seeded and sliced;
2/3 cup milk or water
2-4 garlic cloves, minced or crushed;
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper;
Sea Salt;
3 tablespoons peanut butter-creamy or chunky;
3 or 4 diced tomatoes or 1 - 14 oz. can,diced and drained;
1/2 sweet potato, cut into 3/4 inch pieces;
1 handful fresh spinach or about 5 oz. frozen

Spray the inside of your dutch oven and lid with oil.
Scatter onion in the pot.
Add the rice and the broth. Stir to make an even layer.
Place the chicken on the rice. Add the bell pepper.

Whisk the milk, garlic, cayenne, salt and peanut butter until the peanut butter dissolves.  Pour over the chicken.

Layer the tomatoes, sweet potato and spinach.

Cover and bake for 45 minutes in a preheated 450 oven.

Serve immediately. 

I think the next time I make this I will add the spinach, then the sweet potato then the tomato.  Also use a little more spinach.  It was plenty for the 2 of us and Galen ate what was left the next day for lunch. It had a definite peanut butter flavor.

Variations for the recipe included coconut milk instead of milk, minced jalapeno instead of the cayenne, add shrimp or acallops along with or instead of chicken, also tofu (very firm cubes)

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