Monday, February 18, 2013

Design Wall Monday

My design wall this week is Galen behind the tops, being my holder! This the County Line Pattern by MountainPeaks Creations done is soccer fabrics.  The border looks washed out in this picture so I added a pic of just the border. The quilt will be bound in black and that will help to set it off!

This is the back for the above quilt, all soccer fabrics.

Below is a picture of the back I pieced for the Cindy Carter Fall 2012 mystery quilt I mentioned in a previous design wall post. Now the little one will have something to look at no matter what side is showing! And I got to use a bunch of 10 inch squares!
Back to Judy at patchworktimes


  1. Love your soccer quilt! That border fabric is wonderful.

  2. I like your quilt, especially how the dark sashing between the pieces make it look like stained glass. Awesome job!


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