Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stash Report-week 8

I have been getting some sewing in but nothing to report.  Dug out some swap blocks from 2003.  Had to make 6 more.  By next Sunday I should have something to report. The top is done except for the borders. Will get those done this coming week.  What's amazing to me tho is there is still nothing  added!

Used this Week:  0 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 0 yards
Net used year to Date: 39.33
back to Judy


  1. Congrats on resisting the lure of purchasing fabric!

  2. Almost two months with adding fabric - you're on a roll!

  3. Congrats on the nothing in for the year! Almost to 40 yards and not even 1/6th of the year is done!


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