Thursday, February 28, 2013

March 2013-Get it Done list

My February get it done list-

1. Fire Escape quilt top-at the quilters
2. Comfort and Joy-both Jan. and Feb. blocks-putting this one on hold for a while
3. Make the County Line quilt using the soccer fabrics-at the quilters
4. Back to Square One Mystery-Jan and Feb blocks-putting this one on hold for a while
5. Also have a baby quilt that needs to be finished!-at the quilters

My March List
Did get a few things on the list done and to the quilters.  If they are back before the end of March I hope to get them bound. Besides that

1. The UFO Hayes Corner blocks that I pulled out last week-done
2. Another UFO- 6" cake stand blocks from a swap also done in batiks and black-done
3.  I am putting Road to Round Rock on this list-hopefully keep up with it!
4.  Need to also get busy and make blocks for Quilted With Love lotto.
I am sure I can find somdething else if I get all this done!

What's on everyone else's list?

1 comment:

  1. It's like being hungry at a feast, isn't it? Our eyes are too big for our quilting time! Still, you accomplished a lot and looks like a good list for March, too.


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