Monday, February 11, 2013

Design Wall 2/11/2013

I finished the quilt that was on the wall last week.  That one is waiting to be sandwiched and quilted.  Sunday I was able to cut the fabrics for the County Line Quilt (MountainPeeks Creations) that I am making for a friend's son.  Finished the blocks Sunday evening.

I need to cut the rest of the black sashing. The white areas between the blocks will have a narrow black sashing to match the black in the blocks. Then a narrow black border before the last border.  If all goes well I may get it finished this week and off to the quilters.  Back to Judy to see what others are doing.


  1. I have made three County Line quilts and never once thought to use novelty prints - thanks for sharing! He is going to love this quilt.

    1. I made the king size for us several years ago using Asian fabrics. Must say, it went a lot quicker using 12 FQS as oppossed to 36!

  2. Your quilt is so interesting with the black sashing. I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  3. This is a cool quilt. Love the colors and that black sashing is a great touch!!


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