Monday, February 25, 2013

Design Wall-Feb. 25, 2013

As I mentioned in a previous post I dug out some swap blocks from 2005.  They are Hayes Corner blocks from Quilters Cache.  We did them just a little different tho. Black and 2 contrasting batiks.  Had to make a few more so I could do a 4x5setting. The top is pieced and I have picked out the fabric for the borders.  Don't mind the dog toys on the floor. We just rent space from the girls!

What do others have on their walls?


  1. I love it. I have been digging out old blocks this year too.

  2. Your quilt top is awesome. I love using black background to really make the bright fabrics pop. Good job!

  3. Wow, so pretty. Glad you pulled those out and made them into that wonderful quilt top, too pretty to be sitting in a pile :)

  4. Is everybody in blogland digging out old blocks!
    So, that's what Hayes Corners look like in a quilt - gorgeous!


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