Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stash Report-week 5

I finished the Fire Escape top this past Friday. It is a Twin size.  The backing is pieced using a Moda Texas Wildflower print.  The binding is cut and ready to go when I get the top back from the quilters. 

Used this Week:  14 yards
Used year to Date: 23.33
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 0 yards
Net Used for 2013: 23.33

I had this planned for another project however it was perfect for the back of this quilt and the person receiving it.  I think I will be looking to see if I can get more.  Next week the numbers may not look as good!

let's see how others have fared!


  1. Love the backing fabric--and the quilt, too!

  2. What a lovely quilt. Of course I'm a blue type of girl. But it is absolutely wonderful. The backing is great; isn't a thrill when we find a backing that just calls to be put with a quilt top?


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