Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Granger Lake Whooping Cranes

For the past several years we have had whooping cranes wintering at Granger Lake, just east of us.  Last year, Galen was able to get a few pictures, but not many.  And none so far this year until today.  We decided since it was a gorgeous spring day we would see if we could get some pictures.  Last year, they pretty much hung out right at the lake, but this year they had been spotted in some of the farm fields not far from the lake.  Luck was with us today. 
We saw 3 in one of the fields and close enough for Galen to get a few decent pictures with his long lens.  This was a family, 2 adults and one young one. The young one has color on its head. He has also been banded.

A little further on our drive we were treated to the sight of Sandhill Cranes. Well over 100 of them in the fields. Unfortunately they were just a little to far to get any good pictures. But they were fun to watch thru the glasses. All in all it was a good day-Whooping Cranes, Sandhill Cranes and a finished quilt flimsy.
People have seen as many as 8 Whooping Cranes near the lake. Considering how few Whooping Cranes there are in existence we are lucky to see these.

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