Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Remodel Week 9 Wednesday

More progress has been made and noticeable progress at that!  The painters were here on Saturday for a while doing some touch up. Then back again, Monday for more. They will be back.

On Tuesday Lynn (floor) was here to fix the downstairs wood floor. Since we changed the banister, it curved at the end they needed to take out a board or two and replace with new boards. The wood inside that blue (yes, 3M tape) is what needed to come out and be replaced.

Lynn assures me, even though we can't see it now we will be happy with it. We have no doubts, he is very good with wood.

This is what the deck looked like when the end of last week.

The beginning on Tuesday
 Getting the ceiling boards in place. Also they put up better insulation at the house
 Finally the other cedar post has been installed

 The new ceiling. Those holes are for the can lights
 Looks good and all the boards have been installed on the deck floor
 Today they got to start on the deck railing.  This picture is just off the kitchen

 Getting started on the railing by the bedroom side.

they need some more boards. Hopefully tomorrow they will show up.By Friday the construction part should be done. But then it will still need to be stained before we can use it

Tomorrow . they will be back working on the deck. Also our shutters should all be installed by the end of the day. I think that maybe the steps to the second floor will be on Friday.

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