Friday, August 19, 2016

End of week 11-remodel update

We are down to those final items which take time. The electricians were here on Monday getting the lights and fans hooked up on the new deck.

On Tuesday the shower glass people were here. They got the big mirror back up on the wall in the  big upstairs bath and also did a little work on the shower doors. They needed a little adjusting. Wednesday was an off day. The railing people wanted to come on Thursday afternoon to install the railings on the stairs. However we had some furniture being delivered on Thursday afternoon so that was not going to work. Furniture delivered Thursday afternoon and the railings were installed today!
    This section was fairly quick to install
 Figuring out an angle at the turn on the steps

 Came out to see how they were making out-no railing! Actually they took it out so they could do the welding outside.
All in place now and waiting to be painted in the next week or so!

Galen put the shelving back up in the closet in my old sewing room. I can start getting that organized.

We have the movers lined up to deliver our things from storage on the 24th. (Wednesday). It will take them 2 days of painting the railing. When they do that they will also touch up any mishaps from moving furniture. Probably this coming week there will be a little floor work-molding, grab bars on the showers, and a pane of window glass that needs replacing. Also the mason will be here on Monday to fix a brick on the outside that was damaged when they were working on the deck.
We are getting close to the finish line!

On the weather front we had 6 inches of rain starting last Saturday and ending pretty much on Wednesday. More however is in the forecast for the weekend.


  1. Glad your projects are nearing completion!! Looks great!

  2. You are SO going to enjoy the new deck! Happy for you that all is about done.

  3. How patient you are, get those shelves filled Diana, he did his part, lol. It's raining here now, dh got a run thru one area of mowing. And half the front second lot. More needed doing, ran out of gas and spirit. I cut squares today for HSTs, I did half of what is needed. Will work on more after I get off line.

  4. How patient you are, get those shelves filled Diana, he did his part, lol. It's raining here now, dh got a run thru one area of mowing. And half the front second lot. More needed doing, ran out of gas and spirit. I cut squares today for HSTs, I did half of what is needed. Will work on more after I get off line.

    1. I am slowly working on getting those shelves filled. Do need a plan though as to where everything should go! Will get there. What I really need to do is get back to sewing now-then there might not be quite as much fabric to put away!


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