Thursday, August 4, 2016


The big news today was getting the shutters installed! That really made it look like progress was being made.
About 9 A.M. the shutters arrived from Diva in Georgetown. 9  of them means a lot of boxes!
 As they were unloading the shutters the lumber company showed up to pick up the lumber that was being returned. All I can say, good thing it wasn't Tuesday, garbage day!
 the shutters arrive very carefully wrapped in plastic with heavy molded foam keeping the protected.

 Needless to say these 2 pictures from the outside
Makes a big difference on the inside. These are the big windows facing the back yard. Will really help with keeping out the hot sun in the summer.

We have an odd shaped window in the one bedroom-octagonal and also narrow. This one faces the street at the front of the house. We were not sure how they would make the shutter for this one. It is not hinged. There is a magnetic strip around the frame on the inside. Want to clean the window, lift out the shutter!

Not to be left out today, Galen managed to get all the new switch plates and outlet plates installed

The girls of course think it very unfair that they can not help

 In the meantime the guys were also working outside. They managed to get the step at the bedroom door completed. Facing on the support beam that runs the length of the deck and the rest of the railings in place.

The rest of the wood needed was not delivered today. The guys did as much as they could then went to another job for the afternoon. They want to get this done as much as we do!
Tomorrow, Friday, hopefully they will be able to finish the deck. And inside, Lynn will be here working on the steps. 

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