Sunday, August 14, 2016

Remodel-week 11-Sunday part 2

The painters got here Thursday morning and went right to work taping and masking off areas. That in itself is a job and then factor in the hottest days of the year do far!
 One spent time on the deck boards the other guy on the railings
 After they left we blocked off the deck from our girls. Didn't want them running up on it to come in the house. Since we couldn't use the deck we had to take them out the side door and into the yard that way.
Took this picture Friday morning before the painters arrived. You can see the wood ceiling and not to mention how a fresh coat of white paint makes everything look better!

By noon on Friday the deck was finished. I think the guys were glad they were done with the outside  work. We do have shade in the back but that only can do so much when it is 100+ outside!

After lunch they started inside.
 Lots of taping. Good thing they use 3M tape!
 First coat going on the railings. This is the smelly stuff. Oil base enamel; but it is the stuff that should last!
One coat on all the railings. We opened up a window or two and had all the fans going. We went out for dinner. By the time we got back it wasn't bad in the house. The painters will be here Saturday and Sunday to finish everything.

We were able to start using the deck on Saturday
 Getting rid of the paint smell on Saturday afternoon. A window open in the living room

 The girls are liking the new bigger deck. they think it is their playground now
 We managed to get a table and chairs on to it. Before I could move the chairs back under the porch roof so we could sit and watch it rain the skies opened and it poured.
But now we know, the water does bead up when the deck gets wet! A little over 2 inches of much needed rain fell. More in the forecast, but I am never confident of those until we see it actually rain! Painters here this morning and probably most of the day. Monday the electrician will be here putting up the lights and fans on the deck. The shower glass guy here to some tweaking on the doors. Still waiting on one more upstairs window that needed to be replaced-the seal broke. And we aren't sure when the stair railing and hand rail will be installed. They are very busy. The end is in sight!

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