Sunday, August 14, 2016

Remodel Week 11-Sunday-part 1

I took a break from writing updates last week. Monday the guys were busy with other jobs. Tuesday, the deck guys did get here and were able to finish up the deck. Wednesday our trim carpenter was here along with the painters.

Our steps did give our trim guy a small challenge.
 The original treads were not the standard 12" in size. For the new ones they needed to put a facing board on the riser. think I mentioned that in an earlier post. There went the original plan for the waterfall molding. Plus all risers are not created equal in height, at least in this house! And of course there was "what to do at the bottom?"
 Greg thought about it for a while and came up with a solution.
We left him to work his magic and we took off for a late lunch at Marble Falls
We had to make our usual stops along the way. The dam at Lake Buchanan.
The Federal Fish Hatchery at Inks Lake. Hardly a cloud in the sky, but then it was over 100!
 There is also a bird blind at the hatchery where you can sit and watch. While we were there a black chin hummingbird came into the feeder. Galen got several really good pictures of him.

When we got back Greg had left and the painters were pretty much ready to get started staining the deck. They had painted the outside of the doors and stained the ceiling.
Getting ready for Thursday!

Will do this one in 2 parts. More pictures to follow!

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