Monday, July 7, 2014

Design Wall July 7, 2014

I did have one finish last week, It is now at the quilters! Cross another strip club top finished! It's a little washed out looking in this picture.
                                                       Cosmic Stars by Cozy Quilt.

                                Did a little shopping for Judy at the Natives of Texas plant nursery! If you want to read about our Texas Hill Country excursion on July 6th here is the link day trip to the Texas Hill Country

                      Now I am working on Judy's pattern   Texas Quilt  from Judy's free patterns.
 The blocks have the first border on them, the outer borders are sewn together, just not cut into 1 3/4 inch strips. The sashings are also cut but not the corner stones. Not sure if I want to use red or another color. Will pull out the final border to check out my options!
Another thing I did this past week was get all the binding strips cut for these quilts. Some were cut, other the fabrics were pulled but not cut. Now to get the initial sewing so I can do some hand sewing at night! I need to get these done as most of them will be going to a friends group in San Antonio and I have 4 others at two quilters. Time to get busy!

I spent sometime on Sunday cutting the extra fabric from the quilts into usable strips, 2.5; 2; and 1.5. Felt good getting some of this done. Hope to get the Texas quilt finished this week so I can get someone to quilt it for me. But who knows-other things need to be done first. It' s a busy week with scheduled appointments for us and Dad and I really do need to do some straightening up in the downstairs.See what everyone else is doing-

Back to Patchworktimes!

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