Sunday, July 20, 2014

Stash Report-week 29, 2014

I thought I might  get more sewing in this week with DH out of town but that didn't happen. Worked on some blocks, worked on binding quilts.  Nothing I can count yet, maybe next Sunday!

Used this week:                  0
Used to date   :                  69.5
Donated to date:                 30
Used and donated to date: 99.5
Added this week:                  0
Added to date:                     36
Net:                                     63.5

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  1. I like your Cosmic Star quilt. And enjoyed seeing Texas' Hill Country. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Why is it we think we'll get more done when our guys are out of town. I always think that and it never seems to happen. Good luck on getting your finish so you can count it out next week.


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