Monday, July 28, 2014

Design Wall Monday- July 28, 2014

A little sewing this week but more on bindings than making blocks. Did get some batik string blocks made. Need to make more but it's a start!

And finished 3 quilts
                      This is a 2006 strip club from my LQS
This one is from the Top of the Month Program at another LQS
Love the raccoon fabric!
This one is also from the Top of the Month Program.  Tilly got in the act!
Not sure what will get done this week. I do have 2 more to bind, but may save those for next week when are having the next redo done in the house-new floor in the family room!  We decided we liked the flooring we had put in the kitchen so much we wanted to carry it into the family room since it is basically one big room!  Our guy was able to find a cut that pretty well matches. It was now or never! So tearing up things again, but this time it is only for about 10 days!
Back to Patchworktimes!

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