Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stash Report-week 30, 2014

Another unproductive week! I got a few more blocks made for someone else and mailed off some fat quarters to a friend!  Then late Tuesday morning I was cleaning out one of those big garbage cans the city gives us. Went to dump out the water and the can slipped and scraped a good portion of my right leg right on the bone. The rest of that day was spent in a chair with my leg up so it would stop bleeding. On the good side I did get another quilt bound, on the bad side, not much else got finished! Galen got back Wednesday evening and we spent the rest of the week getting things done around here.There's a little more remodeling in the near future in the very near future!

Used this week:                  2.5
Used to date   :                  72
Donated to date:                 30
Used and donated to date: 102
Added this week:                  0
Added to date:                     36
Net:                                     66

Hoping for more numbers next week but doubtful. Will be tearing apart the family room this week!
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