Monday, July 21, 2014

Design Wall Monday-July 21, 2014

I have a few finishes to show plus a couple Halloween blocks I have been working on lately!  I guess our 2 days of cool weather made me think of Fall. We had a little over 5 inches of rain last Thursday night and early Friday morning! And the high on Friday was in the low 70's!  Unheard of for this part of Texas in mid-July. Saturday wasn't bad either-low 80's!But now we are back in the mid to high 90's.  And I'll take that, only 2 days so far where we had 100 or above! 
My Halloween blocks-
Double Z is the first block and Sawtooth Star the second one.
I wanted to show you that the light cream/tan is in fact a ghost!
As I said earlier-also 3 finishes.  Remember that pile of quilts that needed binding? It's a little shorter, by 3! 

That leaves 6 to finish!
For those who have not seen a cotton field here is one near us.
The cotton has been loving the rains we have had and is now starting to bloom.  I would say unless we get really bad weather later on the cotton gins will be busy come September. About 4 years ago we took a drive and it was interesting to see the machines they use to pick it, the trucks hauling the big bales to the gins, then we stopped at a gin near us and watched that for awhile. The brown in the distance is the field corn-it is ready to be picked!  

Hope to have more finishes to show next week-I am on a roll!!!!!
Back to Judy and Patchworktimes!

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