Sunday, July 6, 2014


We decided to treat ourselvs and take a day off from Round Rock and go to the Texas Hill Country. We are located on the Eastern edge where the limestone canyons give way to the Blackland Prairie. Raising crops to the East is a much better bet than to the West. That is Cattle Grazing land.Also for growing mesquite and cedars. It's much poorer soil due to all the limestone. Our first stop was in Johnson City for a short coffee break. Where we normally stop is right across from LBJ'S Boyhood home.

 We have made many trips to the Ranch but have yet to stop at his boyhood home. We need to go to the ranch again as well, as the house is now open to the public. At the courthouse square in Johnson City they were getting ready for the big festivities. My camera was not handy at the time, everyone from very young to very old were wearing something in honor of the fourth and so were their pets. Saw the cutest little goats all decked out in red, white and blue! Of course the band was already playing.

We drove through Fredericksburg, TX but didn't stop. It's a fun tourist town, but we go there when they aren't near as busy. Our main destination was Kerrville, TX. Our first stop there as always was Creations. For the non-quilters reading this, it is a wonderful quilt shop. I was good, didn't add to much quilt fabric to my too large stash of quilt fabrics. The we drove on to Natives of Texas Nursery. We read about it in the Texas Hill Country Magazine. The nursery is located at Spring Canyon Ranch.It was the dream of Mrs. Winningham to have a nursery there of plants that were native to the area or had adapted to the poor soil and heat that they were good choices. After she died her husband and a full time employee, Pablo, kept it going. As you go in the gate, there is a demonstration garden where you can leisurely walk through and see what plants you might want.short U tube video

 The you drive further back the canyon to the nursery itself. There Pablo helps with more information.
 Not a great picture-barely got the Monarch Butterfly in it. This area was full of Monarchs and Hummingbirds. We have some of the flower in the front but none of the purple cone. Came home with a few of those.
Pablo has a small home on site. He told us to walk though his little garden, look at his chickens and plants.

                                     Had to take this picture from my friend Judy in Brownwood.
                                      The Memorial Garden where Mrs. Winningham is buried.
 Pablo told us to drive further back into the canyon. They have a picnic area there and a fountain. Seeing as we are in the 7th year of a drought the fountain was not running and the creek isn't as nice and full as it once was. He told us that is was much better a few weeks ago, but now the level has been steadily dropping.
              The grass is still green back in the canyon so they have been getting enough rain for that.
                                                                          Picnic area
             Galen always has the camera in the car. The dragonflies were very uncooperative! Not sure what he                                  got for pictures. Our trip back took us through the small town of    
                MedinaBandara and Boerne, Texas.  These are all towns not far from San Antonio. They did bget enough rain in this area. We saw several huge fields where they had been bailing hay. Lots of the big hay bales or rolls. It was a nice day, all 350 miles!!!!!

               I think next Saturday we are going to head in a different direction of the Hill Country

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