Monday, October 7, 2013

Design Wall- October 7, 2013

I finished the Top of the Month-Saratoga

And I made the last of the blocks for the Progressive BOM.  Once I got going on it, I had to keep after it!

Needless to say I have not squared it up to 10 1/2 yet. All the blocks are now made. This week I will get the fabrics for the sashing and borders.

We spent some of the week checking out how low our lakes were and to see if there were any migrating water fowl finding their way back to our part of Texas.  While Galen was checking out the birds, the girls and I found a shady spot to sit.

All that shoreline you see is from the drought.  When full the the lake should be at 682 ft above sea level and right now it is 620 ft above sea level and dropping. It is really sad to see how low our lakes are right now.  While we have been fortunate in getting rain it hasn't been enough to help the lakes.  This started in 2011 when we had a very hot dry year, so it has been ongoing.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing up Saratoga. I looks great.

    Oklahoma got more rain then Texas did, but it is still dry here too.


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