Thursday, October 31, 2013

November Get it Done List

Not much happened with my October list.  I did finish the blocks for the Progressive Block of the Month and I am putting the top together.  And I did get the Top of the Month put together.  I have my quilts back from the quilter still waiting for binding.  I have an excuse for those not being completed-need hand work when I go to Brady with Galen for deer season opener this weekend! Works for me!!!

November list: Get those 3 quilts bound!!!!!
Finish putting together the Progressive BOM top
Make Oct. Top of the month.

That is all that is going on the list for November. We are going through with the kitchen/laundry room/powder bath and butler's pantry remodel.  that starts in Jan. Since we are basically gutting the kitchen and laundry room there is a lot of "stuff" to be gone through, packed away, given away or tossed. Need to start that now so I don't kill myself at the last minute and just throw things into boxes!!!! Need a plan since I will still be cooking somewhere in the house. Can't eat out all the time!

And we did get rain-October the wettest month in Austin history!  We got 9" at the house last night. Problem very little got to the two big lakes! But the rest of us are very soggy today!
I don't think they will be playing golf this weekend. This is the entrance to the golf course very close to us!

what's on everyone else's list?

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