Sunday, October 20, 2013

Stash Report Week 42, 2013

Did not get much sewing accomplished last week and since it was the third Thursday of the month I did add fabric.  Managed to get to the LQS bright and early on Thursday morning before going home and cooking for Dad's dinner! The pattern this time is Dublin by Villa Rosa Designs.  Could use a jelly roll and a background or 13 FQS and a background.  I picked a jelly roll. So now I am back under 100 net used, but that should change by next week!

Used this week:       0
Used to date:      155.8
Added this week:    4.4
Added to date:      59.2
Net:                      96.7

Here's a family picture from my Dad's 96th Birthday dinner.
Now to get that brisket in the smoker!  Good thing we don't plan on having it for dinner, but tomorrow is not a good day to smoke it-will be away from home for a while. And I don't like leaving the house for too long when the smoker is doing it's job!

Back to Patchworktimes!

1 comment:

  1. We have to add to use and your numbers for the year are great! Congrats to you! ~Melanie


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