Monday, October 28, 2013

Design Wall October 28, 2013

I can't believe this is the last Monday in October, only 2 more months left in 2013!  What happened to the first 10?

I did get to work on my Progressive Block of the Month.  It needs the last 2 corners sewn on, trimmed and then the narrow black border and the wider border -the red print that I used for the focus fabric.
Also cut out the top of the month fabrics.  I may take that with me this coming weekend to work on it, or I'll be sewing on bindings on the 3 smaller quilts waiting to be finished.  11/2 is the start of TX deer season so we will be at our friends place in Brady for a few days.  If nothing else I hope to get to McDonalds, not to eat, but to use their WiFi to follow along and also post.

Back to Patchworktimes


  1. Looking good! Love that green sashing!

  2. Love the colors and the green sashing really sets them off.
    Great job, looking forward to seeing your progress.

  3. Really pretty fabrics. I love how the blue catches my eye.


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